# Building a Mario Database

                        List of relations
| Schema |            Name             |   Type   |    Owner     |
| public | actions                     | table    | freecodecamp |
| public | actions_action_id_seq       | sequence | freecodecamp |
| public | character_actions           | table    | freecodecamp |
| public | characters                  | table    | freecodecamp |
| public | characters_character_id_seq | sequence | freecodecamp |
| public | more_info                   | table    | freecodecamp |
| public | more_info_more_info_id_seq  | sequence | freecodecamp |
| public | sounds                      | table    | freecodecamp |
| public | sounds_sound_id_seq         | sequence | freecodecamp |

# Create

# 基本信息表

  • 创建表
-- 语法
create table <table_name>;
-- 示例
create table characters();
  • 添加列
-- 语法
alter table <table_name> add column <column_name> datatype constraint;
-- 示例
alter table characters add column character_id INT NOT NULL;
alter table characters add column name varchar(30) NOT NULL;
alter table characters add column homeland varchar(60);
alter table characters add column favorite_color varchar(30);
  • 设置主键
-- 语法
alter table <table_name> add primary key (<column_name>)
-- 示例
alter table characters add primary key (character_id)
\d characters;
  • 查看
|     Column     |         Type          | Collation | Nullable |                     Default                      |
| character_id   | integer               |           | not null | nextval('characters_character_id_seq'::regclass) |
| name           | character varying(30) |           | not null |                                                  |
| homeland       | character varying(60) |           |          |                                                  |
| favorite_color | character varying(30) |           |          |                                                  |
    "characters_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (character_id)



# 更多信息表

create table more_info();
alter table more_info add column more_info_id INT NOT NULL;
alter table more_info add column birthday DATE;
alter table more_info add column height INT;
alter table more_info add column weight NUMERIC(4,1);
alter table more_info rename height to height_in_cm;
alter table more_info rename weight to weight_in_kg;
-- 主键
alter table more_info add primary key (more_info_id);
-- 外键
alter table more_info add foreign key (character_id) references characters (character_id);
\d more_info;
|    Column    |     Type     | Collation | Nullable |                     Default                     |
| more_info_id | integer      |           | not null | nextval('more_info_more_info_id_seq'::regclass) |
| birthday     | date         |           |          |                                                 |
| height_in_cm | integer      |           |          |                                                 |
| weight_in_kg | numeric(4,1) |           |          |                                                 |
| character_id | integer      |           | not null |                                                 |
    "more_info_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (more_info_id)
    "more_info_character_id_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (character_id)


# 添加单行

-- 添加单行,单个记录
insert into characters 
(name, homeland, favorite_color) 
('Mario', 'Mushroom Kingdom', 'Red');

# 添加多行

-- 添加多行,多个记录
insert into characters 
(name, homeland, favorite_color) 
('Luigi', 'Mushroom Kingdom', 'Green'),
('Peach', 'Mushroom Kingdom', 'Pink'),
('Toad', 'Mushroom Kingdom', 'Blue'),
('Bower', 'Koopa Kingdom', 'Yellow'),
('Daisy', 'Sarasaland', 'Orange'),
('Yoshi', 'Dinosaur Land', 'Red');


select * 
FROM characters 
ORDER BY character_id asc;
| character_id |  name  |     homeland     | favorite_color |
|            1 | Mario  | Mushroom Kingdom | Red            |
|            2 | Luigi  | Mushroom Kingdom | Green          |
|            3 | Peach  | Mushroom Kingdom | Pink           |
|            4 | Toad   | Mushroom Kingdom | Blue           |
|            5 | Bowser | Koopa Kingdom    | Yellow         |
|            6 | Daisy  | Sarasaland       | Orange         |
|            7 | Yoshi  | Dinosaur Land    | Green          |
(7 rows)
FROM more_info
order by more_info_id asc;
| more_info_id |  birthday  | height_in_cm | weight_in_kg | character_id |
|            1 | 1981-07-09 |          155 |         64.5 |            1 |
|            2 | 1983-07-14 |          175 |         48.8 |            2 |
|            3 | 1985-10-18 |          173 |         52.2 |            3 |
|            4 | 1950-01-10 |           66 |         35.6 |            4 |
|            5 | 1990-10-29 |          258 |        300.0 |            5 |
|            6 | 1989-07-31 |              |              |            6 |
|            7 | 1990-04-13 |          162 |         59.1 |            7 |
(7 rows)



SELECT characters.character_id, name, homeland, favorite_color, birthday, height_in_cm, weight_in_kg 
FROM  characters 
FULL JOIN more_info 
ON characters.character_id = more_info.character_id 
ORDER BY characters.character_id;
| character_id |  name  |     homeland     | favorite_color |  birthday  | height_in_cm | weight_in_kg |
|            1 | Mario  | Mushroom Kingdom | Red            | 1981-07-09 |          155 |         64.5 |
|            2 | Luigi  | Mushroom Kingdom | Green          | 1983-07-14 |          175 |         48.8 |
|            3 | Peach  | Mushroom Kingdom | Pink           | 1985-10-18 |          173 |         52.2 |
|            4 | Toad   | Mushroom Kingdom | Blue           | 1950-01-10 |           66 |         35.6 |
|            5 | Bowser | Koopa Kingdom    | Yellow         | 1990-10-29 |          258 |        300.0 |
|            6 | Daisy  | Sarasaland       | Orange         | 1989-07-31 |              |              |
|            7 | Yoshi  | Dinosaur Land    | Green          | 1990-04-13 |          162 |         59.1 |
(7 rows)


SELECT * FROM sounds;
| sound_id |   filename   | character_id |
|        1 | its-a-me.wav |            1 |
|        2 | yippee.wav   |            1 |
|        3 | ha-ha.wav    |            2 |
|        4 | oh-yeah.wav  |            2 |
|        5 | yay.wav      |            3 |
|        6 | woo-hoo.wav  |            3 |
|        7 | mm-hmm.wav   |            3 |
|        8 | yahoo.wav    |            1 |
(8 rows)
SELECT characters.character_id, name, homeland, favorite_color, filename 
FROM characters 
FULL JOIN sounds 
ON characters.character_id = sounds.character_id
ORDER BY characters.character_id;
| character_id |  name  |     homeland     | favorite_color |   filename   |
|            1 | Mario  | Mushroom Kingdom | Red            | its-a-me.wav |
|            1 | Mario  | Mushroom Kingdom | Red            | yahoo.wav    |
|            1 | Mario  | Mushroom Kingdom | Red            | yippee.wav   |
|            2 | Luigi  | Mushroom Kingdom | Green          | ha-ha.wav    |
|            2 | Luigi  | Mushroom Kingdom | Green          | oh-yeah.wav  |
|            3 | Peach  | Mushroom Kingdom | Pink           | mm-hmm.wav   |
|            3 | Peach  | Mushroom Kingdom | Pink           | yay.wav      |
|            3 | Peach  | Mushroom Kingdom | Pink           | woo-hoo.wav  |
|            4 | Toad   | Mushroom Kingdom | Blue           |              |
|            5 | Bowser | Koopa Kingdom    | Yellow         |              |
|            6 | Daisy  | Sarasaland       | Orange         |              |
|            7 | Yoshi  | Dinosaur Land    | Green          |              |
(12 rows)

# 连续 JOIN

SELECT * FROM actions;
| action_id | action |
|         1 | run    |
|         2 | jump   |
|         3 | duck   |
(3 rows)
FROM character_actions 
character_id ASC,
action_id ASC;
| character_id | action_id |
|            1 |         1 |
|            1 |         2 |
|            1 |         3 |
|            2 |         1 |
|            2 |         2 |
|            2 |         3 |
|            3 |         1 |
|            3 |         2 |
|            3 |         3 |
|            4 |         1 |
|            4 |         2 |
|            4 |         3 |
|            5 |         1 |
|            5 |         2 |
|            5 |         3 |
|            6 |         1 |
|            6 |         2 |
|            6 |         3 |
|            7 |         1 |
|            7 |         2 |
|            7 |         3 |
(21 rows)
  1. Use the character_id column to join character_actions and characters

  2. Use the action_id column to join character_actions and actions

  3. Without the keywords, it looks like this: character_actions characters character_actions.character_id = characters.character_id actions character_actions.action_id = actions.action_id;

SELECT characters.character_id, name, homeland, favorite_color, action
FROM characters
FULL JOIN character_actions 
ON characters.character_id = character_actions.character_id
FULL JOIN actions 
ON actions.action_id = character_actions.action_id 
characters.character_id ASC,
actions.action ASC;
| character_id |  name  |     homeland     | favorite_color | action |
|            1 | Mario  | Mushroom Kingdom | Red            | duck   |
|            1 | Mario  | Mushroom Kingdom | Red            | jump   |
|            1 | Mario  | Mushroom Kingdom | Red            | run    |
|            2 | Luigi  | Mushroom Kingdom | Green          | duck   |
|            2 | Luigi  | Mushroom Kingdom | Green          | jump   |
|            2 | Luigi  | Mushroom Kingdom | Green          | run    |
|            3 | Peach  | Mushroom Kingdom | Pink           | duck   |
|            3 | Peach  | Mushroom Kingdom | Pink           | jump   |
|            3 | Peach  | Mushroom Kingdom | Pink           | run    |
|            4 | Toad   | Mushroom Kingdom | Blue           | duck   |
|            4 | Toad   | Mushroom Kingdom | Blue           | jump   |
|            4 | Toad   | Mushroom Kingdom | Blue           | run    |
|            5 | Bowser | Koopa Kingdom    | Yellow         | duck   |
|            5 | Bowser | Koopa Kingdom    | Yellow         | jump   |
|            5 | Bowser | Koopa Kingdom    | Yellow         | run    |
|            6 | Daisy  | Sarasaland       | Orange         | duck   |
|            6 | Daisy  | Sarasaland       | Orange         | jump   |
|            6 | Daisy  | Sarasaland       | Orange         | run    |
|            7 | Yoshi  | Dinosaur Land    | Green          | duck   |
|            7 | Yoshi  | Dinosaur Land    | Green          | jump   |
|            7 | Yoshi  | Dinosaur Land    | Green          | run    |
(21 rows)